Wednesday, January 22, 2014

We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it. (Roald Dahl) Jan. 13th

I keep hearing that your mission goes by SO fast and that the first transfer is the slowest . . . .  I did not think that was true because my first transfer was the fastest six weeks of my life...but this transfer is nearing halfway point...and it is definitely going by faster than the first.  I have been thinking a lot about how fast the mission goes by, and I pulled a little quote from Pinterest and then made it my own. "What you do today is important - because you are giving up a day of your mission for it...which is a lot more than a day of your life, because your life is a lot longer than your mission." This week we had a New Years Taikai, and as part of the Taikai there was a video presentation with TONS of missionary pictures. Even though my doki was not in it a lot because we just got here, there were a lot of missionaries that I have gotten close to in the two months that I have been here...and I LOVED seeing all the pictures.  Being on a mission puts everything in perspective, in a way that I have never experienced. The important things become more important...and everything else just does not matter as much. 

At a Festival
There is nothing quite like teaching the people of Japan and walking around Japanese street festivals trying to convince everyone to come to our Free English class....(I am convinced that if we were to tell people that we were teaching English for a dollar, more people would come because they would think, Wow! What a great deal! But because it is free, everyone assumes that there is some sort of catch. And there is nothing quite like biking across town in the pouring rain in the most attractive rain suits I have ever seen - to visit an investigator who does not know you are coming - just to show up at her house and have her say: "I can not believe that you are here. I was just cleaning my living room and thinking about you and your message...and then you showed up at my front door!" There is nothing quite like trying to navigate the trains in Japan. There is nothing quite like relying on the Lord for absolutely everything that you do, and trying so hard that you collapse on your futon completely exhausted each night. 

The Lord knows each of us. This is something that I have come to know with absolute surety as I labor in Japan, in a language that I really do not know, and teach people who have never even really heard of God. If this message were not true, the things that we are doing here would be absolutely impossible. Because they truly are impossible for me. My calling is impossible. But for the Lord, all things are possible. 

Grundvig Shimai

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