Payne Shimai and Grundvig Shimai |
"Senkyoushi toushite, watashitachi wa ichinenhan no
katsudo wo shite imasu....Ima, watashi wa ichinenhansugiru shite imasu...."
(Payne Shimai).
One of the benefits of being a missionary in the Japan, Kobe
mission is that when Zinke Kaichou chose the return dates for all of the sister
missionaries after the transfer schedule changed due to the MTC time period
being shortened, he decided to lengthen all of our missions by a month instead
of shortening them by a few weeks. As such, the Japan Kobe Mission Sister
Missionaries serve a mission for just under 19 months. The blessings of serving
in Kobe :)
But...those 19 months come to an end. Often on the street
people ask why we are in Japan...and how long we have been here. Payne Shimai
would then say that we come to Japan for 18 months as missionaries. Which
almost always resulted in the follow-up question: "Well...how long have you
been here then?" To which she would reply....Oh....actually...over
18 months. Which resulted in a lot of really confused people. But even
after hearing that over and over again...the idea of not being a missionary
never really seems real.
It doesn't seem real when your companion says goodbye to
Or when the she gives her farewell talk in church.
Or when you look at the calendar and see that it is almost
October 20th.
It only really starts to feel real when on Sunday night at
9:30 you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off...trying to
pack and clean up the apartment. The good news is....even though we packed up
her stuff the night before she left, we managed to fit everything and get her
suitcases under weight. (The other thing is that my wardrobe has just about
tripled in size). Hard things to explain are feelings of sitting on your futon the
night before your companion leaves for Kobe...and talking about your three
transfers together. The miracles we had seen....the sad things we had seen, the
hard times, the best times...everything! It can be hard to explain the feeling of
watching her write out her mission evaluation, and knowing that that time
ACTUALLY comes, when my life is no longer the missionary schedule straight out
of the white handbook and days of talking to lots and lots of people as I bike
the streets of Japan. It is a very surreal feeling.
With Payne Shimai, participating with Mormon Helping Hands |
But. What I can explain is what I have learned during these
three transfers with Payne Shimai.
The first Sunday we were together she greeted every single
person at church with the biggest smile and an even bigger hug.
I was surprised. The members were surprised. Who was this
girl that already loved them? She was met with some apprehension, and slightly
anxious hugs.
The next Sunday the reception was a little bit warmer. And
this time I followed suit! I wanted to show the members how much I loved them
too! We greeted as many
members as we could with huge hugs. I watched our reception
become just a little warmer every single time we met with a member. We
heart-attacked their doors, we made cookies and left them on door steps. We
wrote notes to the kids in the primary. We made more crafts than I have ever
made in my life, early in the morning or at night after planning, before plopping
onto our futons exhausted. And, we always greeted everyone with hugs. Everyone
felt her love, and I wanted everyone to feel my love too. We both worked SO
HARD to show everyone how much we loved them. And slowly...but surely...all of
those members started seeing us at church and their faces would burst into a
smile. They would stretch out their arms and run and hug us. They would
laugh and tell us all about their lives. And then slowly, we also
started receiving some referrals. Love is the essense of the gospel. That is what we are
really about as missionaries.
On Thursday night this week we went to dinner with one of my
favorite couples. They are prime examples of service
and just pure Christlike people. As we talked about Payne Shimai's mission and
their lives, the wife stopped us and said something that I will never forget,
that melted my heart forever. She very quietly said - "Ever since you two
became companions, Tokushima has changed. This branch is different." I held back my tears...but then
I looked at Payne Shimai....and we both teared up. The couple just smiled at us
and thanked us for our work. There is nothing like the joy of having a positive impact on people.
Welch Kaichou once said: "If you are in control of yourself, the
world around you changes..." Or something along those lines. I might be
misquoting this...but that is the general idea.
"The world around us changes." In Tokushima we
have seen more miracles than I could ever write about. There were people who rarely came to church, who after a
little bit of love came every single week. And continue to do so. There were families who became more active. There was the 92 year old who worked to stop smoking. There were baptisms. And the branch became even more of a family.
Anything is possible. The environment we are in can
change depending on our attitude and the help of the Lord. The world around us can change.
With Payne Shimai at Japanese Dance Festival - Awaodori |
A very profound quote that I once found on pinterest said:
"The ones who are crazy enough to change the world are the ones that
do." I thought of this the other day as I reflected on my transfers with
Payne Shimai. She is an amazing missionary, and will continue to be an amazing
missionary for the rest of her life. When she arrived in Tokushima she had a
determination to help weaknesses become strengths, good things turn
better...and for everything to improve. And oh, how it did. This is what
happens when a consecrated missionary like Payne Shimai arrives somewhere. The
world around them changes. We may not have changed the world by working in
Tokushima, but we changed the world of at least a few people. This is the
beauty of missionary work.
Payne Shimai changed my life. She changed me as a
missionary. One of the members this week was talking to me and she said:
"What have you seen in the past three transfers? Everything has changed
since you two became companions, I think, do you think so too?" I smiled.
And then I explained that I felt exactly the same way. The area had grown! And I had grown too. I am more loving, more Christlike...and my Japanese is a whole heck of a lot better. A consecrated
missionary does not only affect the members, the people they meet on the
street...but they have a profound impact on their companion. I can testify of
This week was amazing. I had the opportunity to see
everything that had happened in these three transfers in real fast review. It
was very, very cool. We had the opportunity to see who we had touched without
even realizing it - and the opportunity to see how many people had touched us.
The mission experience is the best.
And so these three transfers in Tokushima come to an end.
Payne Shimai is moving on to the next phase of her life. And I move onto the
next phase of my mission.....(where I will continue to hug every single
Japanese person that I can :) )
NUMBER 5! AND I couldn't be more excited! ANDDDD I am training a brand new missionary.
I am only slightly terrified.
But, as we rely on the Lord anything is possible. Plus,
brand new missionaries bring miracles and so, I am so stoked.
I love Tokushima.
I love Payne Shimai to pieces. We will be friends throughout
the eternities...because that is definitely supposed to happen.
I love being a missionary.
I love this work.
And I had an awesome quote that I was going to include in
here...but I forgot it in the apartment so that is always good.
But, it suffices to say that I love my Heavenly Father. :)
Love you all!
Grundvig Shimai.
Slash P.S. I got this hilarious email - shout out to
Camille Helmick - but, I am glad to know that everyone and their dog really
enjoyed the story about how I fell into a rice field
Back here.....what a great thing to
be known for as a missionary!
"Congrats on reaching your one year mark! I love
reading your blog! So I was at the Provo Temple the other day and these
four sisters came over to me and my friends and asked if they could bear their testimonies
in Japanese to us. It was so cool! When they finished I was telling how they
should be happy if they get you as a companion! And guess what?!?!? They knew
exactly who you are. I guess they'd all read your blog about getting stuck in a
rice field. So yeah, I thought that was super
awesome!!! - (Camille Helmick)"
KOBE! And I am not in her Sister Training Leader Area...but I am really hoping
that one day I will get to go on an exchange with her at some point! Yay!! She
will be the best sister training leader ever!!!!